
Changes to my Study Program

  Changes that could be made to my study programmer... First. Context. Im currently studying odontology at the Universidad de Chile. End of the context. If we start talking about the curriculum I think, as a first year student, is very advanced compared with others colleges, or maybe it is just my perspective. For example, I have a lot of friends whom study differents carrers from the health area. I had in my first semester, courses that they are going to have the next year, or they are doing it now, on second semester. Now about the workload and length of studies, it is ok and only depends on the student if they pass or not. Faculty facilities in my college is ok but, it could be so much better. For example, add water vending machines, hot days are coming soon and buying bottles of water hurts our pockets. Also, more study places, even when we have a beautiful library, it is not enough to the number of students attending the university. Likewise with resting rooms. We should have one.

Time travel to the future or past

 Past. I will always answer to this question, I would travel to the past. Why? Both options has con’s and pro’s that make really difficult choose only one. In my case, I choose the past. Because, even when I believe that everything happens for a reason or that we have to learn from our mistakes, I really would like to change some decisions I made, bad actions I did in the past or people I met and I regret. Where would I like to go? Why? To be honest there is a lot of differents dates I would like to go so I can not say only one, I will just say, that I would go go at least one place or events every year. That makes almost twenty posible time travels. Would I like to stay there? No, my purpose is just change little things but importants. But I have seen a lot of time travel movies to be aware of the big danger that is time travel. And I do not know how is going to be, if is safe enough to me to do twenty travels. And what if I got stuck in the past? There would be two Constanza’s and on

My dream job

 My dream job  My dream job is completely different from the degree I’m currently studying. And it is to work in an observatory. I have always been a huge fan of astronomy, I find extraordinary everything about the space, stars, the NASA. And I am very lucky to live in Chile because we have one of the most beautiful skys in the world.  The kind of job I would like to have is do research into aeronautics and aerospace. I imagine it like living in a science ficcion series. I mean, like wake up, drive to work (the NASA), have some coffe and start looking for a new discovery. I really do not mind if it is outdoors or indoors, to be honest I think I would be happy both ways.  I would like to travel? Yes, I think It would be for meetings or sharing investigations/ researchs with other engineers. The great thing about this job is that is very dynamic, I could work in an office, or in an observatory or a laboratory. Currently I am studying odontology, because It is a career that mix art with h

The best concert ever

  The best concert ever “De haber sabido que ese abrazo se iba a terminar, yo te hubiera abrazado más fuerte” – Debí suponerlo, Morat. If someone ask me who is the artist that I saw more times on live, the answer would be Morat. Two times and counting, because this November 11th will be my third time killing my throat screaming theirs songs.  But today, we are going to talk about the first time I saw them. It was a long trip until THE day but it really worth it. Everything started on December 2019. My aunt and I bought the tickets for July 2020, but we never expected a pandemic. So at first all the fans we thought that it would be suspended forever, because also, we did not know when the pandemic was going to end. After months and months of wait, on November 14th I finally saw Morat on live. It was in the Movistar Arena and I must say, we had an amazing view, all because the band did not have the same fame as now, so thanks to that the tickets were not expensive. It was amazing, in

A country I would like to visit

 A country I would like to visit “People who read are hiders. They hide who they are. People who hide don’t always like who they are.” ―  André Aciman,  Call Me by Your Name That quote from the book "Call Me by Your Name" made me want to visit Crema, Italy. Italy is a country full of history, monuments, beautiful places perfect to take pictures, towns that were used to inspire movies, books and series. But first of all, let´s talk about my favorite item and the one that makes me more excited to try in a trip. The typical food. Pasta. The best food ever. There is a lot of videos on Tik Tok, for example, where they show you an activity really popular in Italy, most specifically, in Rome. You go there and they teach you how to make delicious pasta while they are telling you different stories about the town. Such a great idea to add in a tour. Have you ever watch the movie "Letters to Juliet"? Verona is the scenario of this amazing movie. Thanks to that movie I NEED to